Sunday, March 17, 2024

Blog Post #1 Top 5 News Sources

 I am not super interested in the news right now. I have nothing against people that are very much into politics it is just that I have to spend my time making games and doing work instead of politics. Most of what I hear about politics is from other people because I do not actively seek out politics.


I guess my most trusted news source would be Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan. Channel 5 is a YouTube channel where the host, Andrew will travel to the most extreme rallies of both of America's political sides and interview people. He will go to Black Reparations Rallies and then next week he will be actively traveling with the Truckers convoy. He is completely unbiased in his questioning and I really enjoy just seeing all the different kinds of people. I was originally unsure whether to call this a "news source" or not but it is definitely the form of politics I interact with the most.


Fox News is not somewhere i actively go to get my News. However, when I am home from college my parents love leaving fox news on the TV so I whenever I want to have a conversation with them I will undoubtedly have to listen to "The Five" or whatever is on. I like to think of myself as a moderate if I had to give myself a political identity so getting right wing opinions is important in order to be a balanced person.


I have no idea if I should refer to it as Twitter or X, because of the fact that I am so used to calling it Twitter I am just going to stick with that name. I do not actively look for political posts on twitter but they always find a way to show up. I am very distrusting of any political post because 99% of the time they are not posting the full story and are just trying to get more likes or get people on their side. However, I guess I would call it a news source because of how it makes me semi aware of things that are going on in the world.


Instagram is kind of the same as Twitter to me. I do not actively look for politicized posts but they always find a way to appear on my screen whether it be through friends reposting things or just them getting recommended to me on my "For You page". I believe Instagram and Tiktok are usually extremely liberal with what posts they want to recommend me and in order to be a moderate I think it is useful to get these kinds of posts and make me at least aware.


The last place I get my news from is local news. I originally was not aware of any local news because of the fact I would not go out of the way to find it but, in one of my classes right now, at the start of every class, we are required to research local news and write how we are feeling about it. I really enjoy the positive posts instead of reading about a shooting.

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