Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Blog Post #6

 These digital privacy issues affect me a lot. There are 4.8 billion users of social media and what you post does not go away. I am very conscious about what I post. I do not want something that is super reputation-ruining to ever go up because it is very hard to remove. Like how Juan Enriquez refers to them as digital tattoos. They are interesting but they are very serious mistakes. This affects my friends and family the same way and I do my best to try and make sure they do not post anything that could be used against them as well. We can protect ourselves from these issues by thinking twice about what we post.

License plate readers are important because I do a lot of driving. Because of the fact that I do a lot of driving my license plate has probably been scanned dozens of times and patterns of what I do in my day-to-day life are being stored in some police database. All for the purpose of "it could be useful later". I do not feel comfortable knowing that there are hundreds or thousands of pictures of me just lying in some database when I have never broken a law. 

Sidenote: While looking for pictures of a reader I saw that you can just buy them if you wanted to and thought of someone just deciding to buy a license plate reader is scary to me.

Our phones were wired for surveillance first. These words were a very shocking thing to hear from the Ted Talk. I do not like having a lot of eyes on me and I like having my privacy. However, the talk is mainly about how encryption processes have gotten a lot better on our phones. Backdoors into our devices are harder to get into for both our government and for any 3rd parties looking to listen in to our conversations. The government is understandably not happy about it because of the dangerous age we live in. They need to keep the nation safe. As stated earlier I quite enjoy having less on me but I also do not like the less eyes on people who need to be surveyed.


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Blog Post #11

 The Consequences of Social Media My opinions on social media: I believe that my relationship with social media is extremely healthy. For st...