Saturday, April 27, 2024

Blog Post #7

 The Diffusion of Innovations or New Ideas Theory is a process for describing how new people react to a new invention or idea in society. There are several classes of people at play when you talk about it. Your pioneers and early adopters are people who are not afraid of new things. The pioneers are the ones who think up the idea and the early adopters want to try it. Usually, they are younger people who are not afraid of new things. When it is starting to get popular you see a large influx of people called the early majority and when people see a popular thing being popular you will see the late adopters. The late adopters are usually showing up because they want to keep up with the newest trends. And finally way after the laggards will show up. Laggards show up to a trend way too late and are usually exploring it just to see what the trend was about.

Take social media sites like Facebook. The pioneers and innovators are Mark Zuckerburg. The early adopters are the first users which were young people interested in exploring a new form of communication. The early majority were the massive amounts of young people getting into it because it was getting popular. The late adopters and the laggards are really present nowadays. We see that Facebook is not as used by the younger generations and is getting more and more filled with the older generations.
I believe that this trend can be dangerous when you get technology involved. Older people are not as aware of what kinds of technology are dangerous and can be more easily. You can see AI deep fakes and Facebook market scams becoming extremely prevalent trying to trick these laggards.

I believe that there are a few reasons that people do not want to hop on trends. There are people who intentionally do not like things that are popular, there are people that are just set in there ways and do not feel the need to try new things, there are also people who are just inherently scared of the unknown.

I believe that it is best to have an early adopter mentality. Leaving yourself open to trying new trends or ideas or technologies or just anything in general is good for keeping yourself an open person.

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